GO Simulator 1.14.0 APK For Android

GO Simulator 1.14.0 APK For Android

GO Simulator 1.14.0 APK For Android - After a few weeks have passed, the developer Go Simulator has released the latest version of GO Simulator APK version 1.14.0. Which in this reforming some changes, which looks like the display changes from the previous version. Not only that, in this latest version the developers have fixed the bugs in the previous version to add the user experience and so bots can be used seamlessly.

How to Use BOT Pokemon GO for Android:

- If you want to set the pokemon which will be transferred, evolve, catch
tap Pokemon Settings
- If you want to set the course bot 
tap Settings > Settings Bot
- If you want to see any pokemon that has been catched
tap Bag
- to set up an account to login
 select Settings> Login information
Important! When you have finished using a bot, press Stop!

Some Problem & Solve it
- if you get a warning "Failed to login, invalid credentials" check your account pokemon
- I recommend using a stable network
- If it says "Something went wrong while catching pokemon" then press Stop and then start back the bot

Changelog 1.14.0
- Major UI refactoring
- Minor bug fixes
- main screen contains more space for logs


Proof & Guide Video

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