Catch'em Bot v1.5.3.0 | Pokemon info, Database storage, Route creator data

Catch'em Bot v1.5.3.0 | Pokemon info, Database storage, Route creator datao

Catch'em Bot v1.5.3.0 | Pokemon info, Database storage, Route creator data - new updates bot catch 'em bot has released the new version. in this new version has added several new features like pokemon info, a data storage and route creator data. pokemon features useful info to explain the info pokemon are arrested, the data storage feature is useful for storing route creator and features of data serves to determine or track record that has been created

Here we go:

1. Now all pokestops/poke/mapzen elevation being stored at the local database, located in theConfig folder, I know it is not a big difference for you guys, but that change open new options for the future!
2. Poke tooltip changed a bit, now it display CP for that pokemon after Evolve!

3.As the result of database storage, now you can see pokestops and seen poke location on the map

Show exact poke on the map - option replace poke spawn zones with exact poke icons

Remember, if you run bot for a long time, it will record a lot of spawn points, and it will be hard to see exact poke, so I recommend you to use that spawn zone feature for that
4. A lot of logic fixes, GitHub issues, etc... I have been working 2 days in a row to clean the code, so it should be much better now. 
In addition, I want to say thanks to everyone who send useful GitHub Issues with detailed info, you help lot, lads!

5.New player tab!

New Poke tab!

7.Translations added! You can change UI language now! (not all languages are done yet, feel free to help with it :smile: )

8. Import/Export for routes
And as always, i hope you will like it!

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