Guide ( EN )
*Note : phone number must existing pulse
1. Go to the site:
2. Select 3 days for free, select spesification
3. Registration, fill & use an active email
4. Click next next next
5. OS TEMPLATE, choose Windows Server 2012 R2 ENG.
6. next, next
7. Phone Verification, phone number must existing pulse and next
8. send sms marosnet:(spasi)ok
9. send to +447781470717 (england),
10. you will get code via email
11. Done, rdp information will be sent via email + - 5-10 minutes
Guide ( ID )
*Note : Gunakan nomor hp yang ada pulsanya
1. Ke site :
2. Pilih 3 days for free,pilih speknya digambar tinggal pilih.
3. Registration, isi semuanya pake email aktif
4. next, next aja domain isi asal aja
5. OS TEMPLATE , Pilihh Windows Server 2012 R2 ENG.
6. next, next
7. Phone Verification, isi nomernya yg ada pulsanya (krna verif kita yang sms mereka) lalu next
8. Terus siapin no hp yang di input tdi, sms dengan format marosnet:(spasi)ok
9. kirimnya kesini pilih inggris aja nomornya
10. Nanti dapet kode lewat email
11. Done, informasi rdpnya akan di kirim via email +- 5-10 menit
if Succesfully
Hereby we notify You that Virtual Dedicated Server was registed in your name.
We offer to print this letter for your comfort.
Information on the Virtual Dedicated Server configuration
IP-adress, allocated to your Virtual Server:
Your VDS adress:
User: Administrator
Our DNS servers:
We wish You every success in working with your Virtual Server!
Best regards,
Айхор Хостинг
MAROSNET Telecommunication Company
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