Catch'em Bot v1.4.7.0 | Map Provider selection

Catch'em Bot v1.4.7.0 | Map Provider selection

Catch'em Bot v1.4.7.0 | Map Provider selection - During those weekends OSM api for map shutted off, to prevent future problems in that case - i've made some changes, and now - you can select map provider for all maps in the left-top corner of playermap, that selection will be saved.
Also now map should be cached, to reduce internet usage.
Sorry for the delay!

Changelog :

Now bot can detect current state (transfer/evolve/etc..) and delay actions from UI untill become free
Added checkbox to skip limited incubators
Added button to randomize all android info
Reworked Session hash logic
Reworked logging feature, now all logs should be fine (text one)
Minor fixes
Minor delay fixes
Better error handling while tutorial state
Bot will skipp that transfer/recycle routine at start, if u like it, there is new settings in config file=> BeLikeRobot
Refresh poke/item lists fixed bug fixed
Please, recheck your settings tab before starting the bot.
Map Provider selection

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171$ from donations for last week (23 donators).
Time spent for the project at last week: 78 hours.



V1.4.8.0 Changes
CustomRoute builder, new free Routing Service, new Telegram Commands

V1.4.8.1 Changes
Fixed UI issue that would crash when setting changed
Just a small patch release fixing the bug that would crash the bot when you changed a setting in the UI.

New feature: Custom Routing creator!

How to use it:

1. Go to the RoutingCreator tab.
2. Right click on the map to set start point.
3.Right click on the map to set all the waypoints (less then 21 recomended, 45 is hardcap for now).
4. When you are done with waypoints - click "Build the route".
5. Enter the name and save the route.
6. Go to the bot settings, and select your newly created row from the comx.

7. Now you can start the bot. If bot is too hard from the start of the route - he will move right to it All routes you create are cyclic, bot will continue to folow it over and over, with some random movement ofc

New routing service - Mapzen Valhalla!

1. Paste the Valhalla API key to API Keys settings block, should looks like: valhalla-xxxxxxx
2. Select Mapzen Valhalla as Routing provider

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